Sunday, December 19, 2010

senior: turkish delight

the notorious turkish delight scene! this is when queen jadis realizes she needs to gain the trust of edmund who has wandered into narnia by accident by seducing him with enchanted turkish delight. this was the first piece i did of jadis and i was pretty worried it would turn out to be a rip off of the abundance of narnia art on the internet. not to mention the character design used for the recent narnia movies is flawless. anyway i'm pleased that my jadis is as "un-influenced" as i could ever be.

in reviewing the quotes i should use beside each piece for my final binder i realized that in the process of being "original" i swayed pretty far from her description, which gives her flowing hair, a golden crown and wand and a white fur wrap, but i guess at this point narnia has so much loyal interpretation it could use some variation.

gouache on cut paper 8x12"
58 paper pieces

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